A continuación, vamos a dejarte un vocabulario que te va a ayudar a entender con mayor claridad la siguiente vídeo-clase de inglés básico. Veamos.
Talking about your family (hablando acerca de tu familia)
Family = familia
Parents = padres (madre y padre)
Relatives = familiares
Aunt = tío
Uncle = tía
Cousin = primo/prima
Nephew = sobrino
Niece = sobrina
Aunt is the sister of one of your parents
Uncle is the brother of one of your parents
Nephew is the son of your brother or sister
Niece is the daughter of your brother or sister
Cousin = the sons of daughters of your aunts and uncles
Este vocabulario de ingles básico nos va a dar las herramientas para hacer y/o responder oraciones y preguntas con el verbo “to have”, del tipo:
- How many relatives do you have?
- Wow, you have a big family!
- Do you have any cousins?
- How many nieces do you have?
- Do you have any nieces or nephews?
- How many cousins do you have?
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